Streamvisor Docs
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Release Notes

Streamvisor 3.0.0

Breaking changes

  • Environment configuration has been overhauled for a better, more approach
    • streamvisor.bootstrap-env.* and streamvisor.pulsar.connection.* properties have been removed in favor of streamvisor.environments[].* properties
    • # Deprecated (Streamvisor 2.0.0 and below)
      # Now (Streamvisor >= 3.0.0)
  • The embedded H2 database version has been updated because of security vulnerabilities. Unfortunately files written with differing versions of H2 are not compatible.
    • If you are using PostgreSQL for persistence you don’t need to make any changes
    • If you are using the default H2 persistence, you need to
      • Delete your old H2 db file
      • Start Streamvisor in order to create the new H2 db file
      • Re-create your users and environments

What’s new?


  • Updated internal Pulsar clients to v3.0.5
  • Limited the total size of log files to a maximum of 100MB
  • Fixed an issue where OIDC token refresh would fail
  • Fixed an issue where the dashboard would not load for a newly added environment

Streamvisor 2.0.0

Breaking changes

  • Username has been deprecated in favor of email
    • if you previously used the default admin account, use to login

What’s new?

  • Single Sign-On (SSO) using OAuth 2.0
  • External group mapping for SSO
  • PostgreSQL as persistence option
  • Multi-broker strings when adding environments
  • TLS configuration using trust store


  • Updated internal Pulsar clients to v3.0.4
  • Fixed an issue where dialog titles in the UI would be incorrect

Streamvisor 1.1.1


  • Fixed an issue where topic browsing websocket connections would create unsecured connections
  • Fixed an issue where RBAC permissions did not save correctly
  • Fixed an issue where creating topics would sometimes fail due to Content-Type issues

Streamvisor 1.1.0

What’s new?

  • RBAC (role-based access control)
  • OpenShift compatibility
  • Deletion of non-empty tenants and namespaces
  • License status information page
  • Improved docker image size


  • Fixed an issue where topic browsing websocket connections did not work on kubernetes deployments
  • Fixed incorrect total number of topics display in Explorer
  • Fixed an issue where messages could not be skipped on a subscription
  • Fixed an issue where docker/kubernetes connection URLs would fail to validate
  • Fixed an issue where the docker image did not respond to SIGTERM requests

Streamvisor 1.0.0

What’s new?

  • Initial release